But he will never speak to me again. I'm NT and he is undiagnosed but has so many Aspie traits like stimming and odd fears and disappearing acts and obsessive working on computers and a brilliant mind that works in strange ways. My spouse was like your bf in the beginning. He thinks logically, Not emotionally as you do. Providing no-cost, ad-free, high-quality articlesby autistic writers and professionals. Of course there is hope - but focus on yourself, not your spouse. Here we are complaining about the one asperger in our lives that drive us crazy. I find myself in a cycle of validating his feelings and assuring him I dont blame him but we need support. Stumbling on this website has felt like such a relief. Im an unpaid volunteer. Since an NT doesn't understand what an effort we've been making, they're liable to think us cold when we stop trying so hard. 'Sa tonight', the same thing happened to me with my AS friend. With this person, you became the best version of yourself. Oh well his loss! I am also fearful Im looking at the situation as if he were NT. Also, be sure to read Our of Mind Out of Sight: Parenting with a Partner with Asperger Syndrome (ASD). There have been a few things like him still being on dating sites and sexual messages with an ex-work colleague but we have talked through and I have forgiven him. Anyway he ignores my existence so Its all I can do . However, he does not have the right to make this decision for the other person (you). Interesting. I have been on this journey of trying to find understanding, since early 2015. Aspies dont ask themselves about how you feel about things, so we need to point it out in a way they will understand. My wife and I are having a difficult time and I want to talk to her about it and work on things but she shuts me out. You seem like remarkable people who deserve love and attention and effort from anyone you chose to love. My bf was wonderful in the beginning. Any advice would be appreciated. I said I wanted to work things out with him. We NTs know who we are in relation to others, so we constantly assess our reality according to other people, even total strangers and famous people. What I don't understand is that lets just say he did break up with me because he was overwhelmed and unhappy because I was unhappy, if he misses me now and wants to be with me why wouldn't he . I mentioned a specific example about something related to money and he got so verbally aggressive saying I was a crazy person and that he would finish this conversation because I was saying stupid things. Unlike me those things don't interest him. same thing happened to me.devastating.mostly that he felt so hurt by me when that is the last thing i wud ever have wanted.i just didnt understand what i was dealing. I have supported him throughout his successful medical career and his obsessive hobbies. Once you become Trauma bondedthe devalue stage sets in. Why does the Aspie always get the blame? Thank you, Dr. Kathy. In what ways could you relate? We are heartbroken that this girl who was once the delight of everyone is now a stranger. I am usually super patient and either keep silent or try to gently discuss it while he changes the subject or agrees with me but doesnt change. Just abusive and not a way to traet another human. When I asked if hed like to meet and talk, he said he had nothing to say, and does not want to. Fortunately he doesn't talk about it all the time, if that was the case I would probably have started to get tired and want time alone. my daughter , runs around school drop offs and yet here I am , writing on a blog and hes gone into shut down , buggered by a small argument .hes packed his suit case and left. And that he was being a bully and abusive. I felt alone all the time, even though he was phisically there. You can call and aspies like its a cute name or something, but these people are monsters. When its good, its amazing and when its bad I feel frightened and completely degraded. These people are Mindblind. I was so happy that a woman I liked invited me somewhere. I am assuming u have married. At first my anxiety and insecurity went through the roof, two months later I am still suffering with anxiety but not as bad, but now feel so much anger and hate of this selfish narcissistic man, who had no though for me what so ever. Its oh so hard for them Once the smoke cleared, you tried hard to understand why your partner was so upset. I asked what that was about, told them it made me feel like they were calling me stupid, and tried to set a boundary. The relationships are what's inside it, what it contains, how it is linked, or what's generating which things. There are almost no helpful resources for understanding the fundamental differences between NTs and NDs. Ashley. That's how they think adults are supposed to behave. 3. I could tell from her persistent texts, calls, and voicemails that she was upset and had a hard time moving on, but I felt more relieved every day. It wore me down because it seemed so insecure. He completely went cold and whenever I tried to reach out, email, text, etc..he'd act like I was bothering him and he was so busy (even though he had no other friends and was closest to me). Is this what you want for your future ? When I read your post, I thought I had written it, because I went through the exact same thing. Especially if they use defence measures to cope with being hurt. I am getting the silent treatment at the moment. Im not really sure if I am overreacting, but I get worried whenever he behaves a certain way that makes me feel uncomfortable and worried for him. You He will NEVER be able to empathize. I worked my fingers to the bone for him and it will never be reciprocated not even 5%. Your kids will figure out Dad is different, but the rest if the world will never see the whole picture. A bus driver with Asperger's Syndrome who was called an 'illiterate imbecile' and 'sp****' by work colleagues has won a 30,000 payout. He stood up and left the room and asked me to leave the house. Ive been with my husband 21 years, married 3. or how much space do I give him? Ive had the extraordinary experience of starting a fledgling romance with an aspie recently. 1. She also had a boyfriend. Im exhausted too!! I know that is an extremely emotional and difficult situation. I of course begged, pleated and apologized because of my abandonment issues to no avail. He cant even be bothered to send me an emoji The support i gave my aspie boyfriend was at detriment to my own mental health. I get that he doesnt feel safe. I decided that HE was the one losing out because I had so much love to give. Source: www.anewmode.com Please, take your focus off him and onto you and your child. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Im getting the silent treatment today. He would talk about general stuff (like how is he doing), but never about relationship where I wanted to talk about how we can work things out. Example 1. But lives in a luxury building in a nice area. The worst thing is feeling punished for having an emotional response or negative reaction to being at the brunt of an outburst especially when you already feel abused and worthless from it. My best friend who has aspergers and I got into a bit of a romantic relationship during the summer, and then a couple months later, once school started he totally backed off and we were barely even friends anymore. The next morning they were angrier. I am on day 2 of the so called silent treatment but i dont care coz i dont know what hes talking about half the time anyway. He said it would be a disaster and that he doesnt want a scene. I am so sorry Peter. he told me he was ready for a serious relationship, I would spend the night over on his days off and he was very attentive to me and just a sweetheart, although he wasn't too affectionate I still liked him that way, I just thought that was the way he was.He did mention one of his brothers was autistic but i didn't mind that at all. I tried calling a couple times and his phone would go straight to voicemail. Just send me an email through my website. He told me about his condition in our first meeting and said he is not looking for anything serious. But, I fell in love Most honest man you could meet. But, a person with cancer has millions of resources that are helpful to understand cancer and what it means and future options. Life with Aspergers: Why do Aspies Suddenly Back Off in Relationships (Part 2) Is it up to me to open the lines of communication or is it up to him? In the year that we were together, when we were in each others presence, he was very emotional and empathetic. I think you did an excellent job of expressing the perspective of an Autist. I have a friend and over the corse of just a few months we became very close. I wish there were an easy way to find an affordable professional to help with marital and issues. I believe she is an Aspie, so I forgive her for saying harsh things when I expressed my feelings. Most people with Aspergers I think I'm just going off my own personal experience have to think long and hard about what they say and do in social situations. This time, when he resurfaces, and I believe he will, I wont make the mistake of getting back together. I thought I was going crazy. This may be the worst silent treatment Ive received from my husband in the 17 years we have been together. So I took a big step back from my relationship with him and a big step towards my relationship with me. I think anything before that was just "strong attraction" or a crush. Over the course of months and months, Id send emails and texts, and hed just reply with the same sterile text, "Sorry youre hurting" or something like that, leaving no room for conversation or reconciliation. unfortunately thats exactly what Im going through right now, even after I ended that relationship it still torments me every day to the point where I just cant get out. I know, in my case, my ex loved having his daily routine and disliked planning for events outside . This is one of the biggest reasons. The silent treatment from your autistic daughter is a symptom of a mental illness and a terror she feels that she is not normal. I suspect it will go on longer. Especially when I am tired and can get very emotional. Hi Rosh. Its work, it doesn't come natural, so while its something we desire its work basically. Each is shaped by their background, their upbringing, their beliefs and their local customs. Please take care of yourself. I can't thank all of you enough that have posted here. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Many couples have learned how to cope with these situations by creating their own personal rules for engagement. Being that she is a coworker I can't reach out. Ive been driving myself nuts since then. Everyone was shocked. I especially related to the difficulty that people with Asperger traits have with taking a relationship to the next level. : r/aspergers; 7 7.Why . She told me she was going to pull away. He is 41 and I am 38. He has his family, he has to work through his fear and anxiety which would be extreme at the moment. They would always say yelling is not abuse but I think thats wrong. My husband worshipped me. This is the second time she has gone cold And its all because I made some mistake. I feel awful saying this but I have resentment. People who experience cognitive/mental health difficulties are at high risk of not being able to control their behaviour and it doesnt have to be related to personality difficulties. I really want to just run away but he says he's suicidal and I'm so stressed out that I'm physically sick frequently. A lot has happened in the last 11 months. Your Needs. Be kind to yourself, seek support and bring calmness to your life as best you can. What a nightmare life is without the simple things. It's not so easy for him. Thank you for your candid post. He discarded me 2 weeks ago. Yes my friend it is Normalfor Them..that is. I hope I didnt push him even further away with my email. Hi, this comment is to firstly test if I can delete it after I post. If that makes sense. It is hard to hear that, feels a bit simplistic and sad after 9 years of being together. Isolation or minimal interaction in social situations. They Discard, just Like Narcissist. They will never meet your needs, so you have to create your own happy life for yourself and forget about them! Since then he pulled away and been mia for a week. Very particular eating habits. Even screamed at, and things thrown/punched walls. Thats what I am learning. When hes out he falls back into as I call it living in his own world. Maybe you can not see through healthy eyes because you have issues from your own past. Affordable is key, he has trouble keeping a job and could never support himself. Thanks for the posts - it REALLY helps to read other peoples' stories because now I don't feel alone. I certainly can help with a tentative diagnosis with video sessions, but it would not be official until confirmed in person, in your own country or at least a neighboring country. No reply I wrote him once one year ago but he never answered so i just let him be better off without me. This was 4 days ago and Im venting, sorry. He would lie that hes asleep but hes awake and ignoring my calls or texts. Withdrawing from a stressful situation quickly deescalates and stops the source of pain. Very hard on himself. Some aspie behavior is eerily similar to those seen in narcissistic personality disorder and most of us are very inclined to blind ourselves to his and think its ASD. I lost my very close friend who is AS and went through many of the same situations as you. You get the pointif you can avoid the marriage to an ASD I would even though I get itthey have some wonderful traits but so does the NT. Never fool yourself into thinking They are remembering You.No, they remember anything negative and ruminate on it. Tried to learn everything I could. Its a continue process and its been a week and it feels like he doesnt want to text or call me anymore but he does say he loves me and even made baby names for our future with me. its so sad that he cant cope with me having friend s over 3 times in 3 weeks , he says to me do we really need them to visit again. For the neurotypical: When you first got together, you had never felt so seen, validated, and understood. Has an amazing job and extremely successful. So they offer logical explanations and when those dont work, they often resort to the silent treatment. It has been a journey, im still trying to process many things, the gaslighting, and still have feelings that I was maybe the crazy needy person in the relationship. Once that person had moved on with their life, I was still standing still and feeling negative about myself all the time. Your typical starting dosage will be 12.5 mg once per day. They may become particularly anxious in certain social situations. Im going to die in this nothingness. Aspie-neurotypical relationships often start out with intense passion, then fizzle and devolve into disaster. Take care. I never said anything negative about having Asperger's nor was I trying to label him. He also added that we would just make the best of it by pretending to be married because he didnt want to disappoint his family. For anyone with AS needing to back off in a relationship -- talk it through, write it, email it, whatever, but don't make the mistake I did. The physicality of sex is far easier in terms of communication in. Let them knoe that you still love them but that this is not healthy. She was always smiling and had alot of positive energy. Unfortunately not. I dont know what to do and Im at the point where I cant talk to my friends or family because I feel judged for what Im enduring and no one who hasnt experienced a relationship with a ND person understands that not everything is a premeditated choice or intentionally malicious. I need to try to make friends with the other introverts. Theres no need. But then he withdrew sex and affection saying he felt off. I'm curious if Aspies can better control their behavior while under the threat of a gun? I usually back off because I find that as people get to know me, they try to "fix" me. Other quirks. In his world, gaming during every free minute has nothing do with his love. My ex-boyfriend who I believe has Asperger's broke up with me 4 months ago. Good observation Daniel. This would go on for days and he would come around to be his usual self. They would hate someone privately and yet cling to him or her in public. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It's been a long time since you posted so I hope you are no longer with him. AND IT FEELS GREAT! I think its his way of protecting himself and I think hes worried about saying the wrong thing. We were planning a future and I was meant to move in with him. My (suspected) highly functioning autistic child is 2.5 months into giving us the silent treatment after we took away his computer access given the gaming addiction he developed and we had been dealing with for 2+ years. Hyde. As for not saying goodbye it was probably just too much and too hurtful for him. I have decided to move on from this because I want a fulfilling relationship but its so hard. Can he learn to understand and meet my needs at least intellectually? This is july 21st. We Aspies often don't know what we want or how to ask for it, and it makes relationships hard work. I'm sure a few of those potential friends wondered what happened when they didn't get asked back after I'd been to their homes, even though I clearly liked them. He was to me. You worried about how honest and genuine your partner was. You pulled away from friends and family because they couldnt understand what this new world, this new you, was like. Aspie-neurotypical relationships often start out with intense passion, then fizzle and devolve into disaster. Cooked for him non stop, bought him little gifts, embraced his kids etc. Isaac And His Amazing Asperger Superpowers As recognized, adventure as well as experience virtually lesson, amusement, as well as arrangement can be gotten by just checking out a book Isaac And His Amazing Asperger Superpowers next it is not directly done, you could acknowledge even more a propos this life, more or less the world. Also I would suggest that you seek a competent professional to guide you. He does better than me, but still we both are pretty awkward depending on the setting. I work out like a demon, but Im 67 and have wrinkles. We have been together for over 2 years. This person was different. Similarly, manipulative behaviour can often come across as simply "needy". She closed off all communication about six months ago, but I'm still in an absolute turmoil of guilt, regret, loss and self hatred. The NT side of the relationship will often take this "quietness" to indicate grudging acceptance and may exacerbate the situation by repeating it (for instance, moving more furniture). Seeing that you are an NT male as I read these comments, I am reminded to ask KM or others if support groups exist with mixed gender neurotypical partners in pain. I questioned him and he got extremely angry and started telling me Im not adventurous and how I simply dont do things right. I kept insisting this wasnt true. I do care about him but for my best thinks should let him go for good. He is slightly awkward socially but I find that adorable. We returned back home, (live separately) and since then his told me to have time apart to think this through. My name is Liz. Im a writer, and he wanted to read everything Ive ever written. It got worse because my wife went through a period of depression and started taking antidepressants and I think that makes it even worse. I do not have Asperger's but have been in a relationship with a man who says he has un-diagnosed Asperger's After experiencing from the other side his first shutdown/meltdown I set out to find out as much as I possibly could so I could help myself to feel better and try to be there for him the best way I could. We are equally puzzled by the NT world. And I mean down for days. Well see. Well we have kids (not planned) and both have autism. He said you couldnt possibly be that sorry. I told him I didnt want to be a hurtful person, that I wanted to be someone he felt safe around. It's a frustrating experience that can leave the other person feeling confused, hurt, and rejected. Low empathy. years of being understanding and supportiveAs years go by the meltdowns get worse. In fact, their mind may be totally blank. Then suddenly he started drinking again and saying really hurtful things when drunk. 1. Im an Aspie and we are easily stressed out from NTs incessant demands. My ASD spouse has called me every name in the book. I apologized to him. he said he didn't I drank a lot ( I drink socially) (even though he does too and we would take trips together to the liquor store and go to bars). I;m 45yo and have AS, was diagnosed at age 39. He would often get depressed and blame it on the recent deaths of his family members, but never seemed to show concern for the problems in my life, never asked how I was doing. Dont take this on yourself. We could never finish a single conversation. One weekend she was going to visit old college friends and they like to party. Both are Empathy Dysfunctions. I can see how destroyed he is when he comes out of an episode. I finally asked if he wasnt attracted to me and he said it isnt me. So, make sure you focus on a career, hobbies, friends and make a happy life for yourself. Can he learn better relationship skills? Put the Jeopardy Championship in a new light. Ive had this conversation with him many times. I have gotten to know a girl with Autism but what would be called Aspergers a couple of years ago. I myself am having trouble just getting through my day. Hes been arrested for theft of stupid things. I am only recently realizing I have had many Asperger traits since I was a small child. You memorized every movement, every expression, every laugh, even the different colors and the arrangement of the flecks in the perfect and doting eyes of your soulmate. It does n't come natural, so we need support so seen validated... 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