(go back), 12By material sustainability-related risks and opportunities, we mean the drivers of risk and value creation in a companys business model that have an environmental or social dependency or impact. There is growing consensus that companies can benefit from the more favorable macroeconomic environment under an orderly, timely, and equitable global energy transition. Companies that build strong relationships with their key stakeholders are more likely to meet their own strategic objectives, while poor relationships may create adverse impacts that expose a company to legal, regulatory, operational, and reputational risks. Governance is the core means by which boards can oversee the creation of durable, long-term value. (go back), 8Including, but not limited to, individuals who identify as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian, Native American or Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; individuals who identify as LGBTQ+; individuals who identify as underrepresented based on national, Indigenous, religious, or cultural identity; individuals with disabilities; and veterans. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Posted by Sandy Boss, John Roe and Jessica McDougall, BlackRock, Inc, on, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, Do Diverse Directors Influence DEI Outcomes, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/whitepaper/bii-managing-the-net-zero-transition-february-2022.pdf, Mergers, acquisitions, asset sales, and other special transactions, Material sustainability-related risks and opportunities, Employment as a senior executive by the company or a subsidiary within the past five years, An equity ownership in the company in excess of 20%, Having any other interest, business, or relationship (professional or personal) which could, or could reasonably be perceived to, materially interfere with the directors ability to act in the best interests of the company and its shareholders, Where the board has failed to facilitate quality, independent auditing or accounting practices, we may vote against members of the audit committee, Where the company has failed to provide shareholders with adequate disclosure to conclude that appropriate strategic consideration is given to material risk factors (including, where relevant, sustainability factors), we may vote against members of the responsible committee, or the most relevant director, Where it appears that a director has acted (at the company or at other companies) in a manner that compromises their ability to represent the best long-term economic interests of shareholders, we may vote against that individual, Where a director has a multi-year pattern of poor attendance at combined board and applicable committee meetings, or a director has poor attendance in a single year with no disclosed rationale, we may vote against that individual. We look for such companies to disclose[18] how they consider their reliance and use of natural capital, including appropriate risk oversight and relevant metrics and targets, to understand how these factors are integrated into strategy. Centralize the data you need to set and surpass your ESG goals., The Big Shift: How Boardrooms Are Evolvingand How Leaders Should Respond. The board should exercise appropriate oversight of management and the business activities of the company. BIS generally supports proposals to seek exclusive forum for certain shareholder litigation. However, the final voting decision is independent and voting authority rests In addition, all members of audit, compensation, and nominating/governance committees should be independent. As such, DWSs authority and responsibility to vote such proxies depend upon its contractual relationships with its clients or other delegated authority. DWS has delegated responsibility for effecting its advisory clients proxy votes to Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), an independent thirdparty proxy voting specialist. It is our view that well-run companies will effectively evaluate and manage material sustainability-related risks and opportunities relevant to their businesses. 2036 0 obj <> endobj xref In order to deliver long-term value for shareholders, companies should also consider the interests of their key stakeholders. Boards should clearly explain the economic and strategic rationale for any proposed transactions or material changes to the business. We generally view the boards discretion to establish voting rights on a when-issued basis as a potential anti-takeover device, as it affords the board the ability to place a block of stock with an investor sympathetic to management, thereby foiling a takeover bid without a shareholder vote. We may also consider whether executive and/or board members financial interests appear likely to affect their ability to place shareholders interests before their own, as well as measures taken to address conflicts of interest, We prefer transaction proposals that include the fairness opinion of a reputable financial advisor assessing the value of the transaction to shareholders in comparison to recent similar transactions, Whether we determine that the triggering event is in the best interests of shareholders, Whether management attempted to maximize shareholder value in the triggering event, The percentage of total premium or transaction value that will be transferred to the management team, rather than shareholders, as a result of the golden parachute payment, Whether excessively large excise tax gross-up payments are part of the pay-out, Whether the pay package that serves as the basis for calculating the golden parachute payment was reasonable in light of performance and peers, Whether the golden parachute payment will have the effect of rewarding a management team that has failed to effectively manage the company, The company has experienced significant stock price decline as a result of macroeconomic trends, not individual company performance, Directors and executive officers are excluded; the exchange is value neutral or value creative to shareholders; tax, accounting, and other technical considerations have been fully contemplated, There is clear evidence that absent repricing, employee incentives, retention, and/or recruiting may be impacted, Disclose the identification, assessment, management, and oversight of material sustainability related risks and opportunities in accordance with the four pillars of TCFD, Publish material, investor-relevant, industry-specific metrics and rigorous targets, aligned with SASB (ISSB) or comparable sustainability reporting standards. We also favor prompt recoupment from any senior executive whose behavior caused material financial harm to shareholders, material reputational risk to the company, or resulted in a criminal proceeding, even if such actions did not ultimately result in a material restatement of past results. 0000012069 00000 n In the absence of a significant governance concern, we defer to boards to designate the most appropriate leadership structure to ensure adequate balance and independence. In order to help investors understand overall diversity, we look to boards to disclose: To the extent that, based on our assessment of corporate disclosures, a company has not adequately explained their approach to diversity in their board composition, we may vote against members of the nominating/governance committee. WebThe following issue-specific proxy voting guidelines (the Guidelines) summarize BlackRock Investment Stewardships (BIS) philosophy and approach to engagement and voting, as well as our view of governance best practices and the roles and responsibilities of boards and directors for publicly listed U.S. companies. The views and strategies described may not be suitable for all investors. window.CSRF_TOKEN = "a4TST7CknuA7l2r2A33K1P7kwv8WsCSd"; This Renaissance Technologies website (www.renfund.com) is by invitation only. Securing the right of shareholders to nominate directors without engaging in a control contest can enhance shareholders ability to meaningfully participate in the director election process, encourage board attention to shareholder interests, and provide shareholders an effective means of directing that attention where it is lacking. WebName of proxy vote by the homeowners association during the _____ meeting. To signal our concerns, we may also vote against the chair of the nominating/governance committee, or where no chair exists, the nominating/governance committee member with the longest tenure. Proxy Voting Policy . In all instances, we will evaluate the changes to shareholder protections under the new charter/articles/bylaws to assess whether the move increases or decreases shareholder protections. In cases where a boards unilateral adoption of changes to the charter/articles/bylaws promotes cost and operational efficiency benefits for the company and its shareholders, we may support such action if it does not have a negative effect on shareholder rights or the companys corporate governance structure. We look to public disclosures for insight into the scope of the audit committee responsibilities, including an over view of audit committee processes, issues on the audit committee agenda, and key decisions taken by the audit committee. During a CEO transition, companies may elect for the departing CEO to maintain a role in the boardroom. When casting their proxy votes, proxy voters should be mindful of some of their basic fiduciary duties, including prudence, loyalty to beneficiaries and reasonable 0000013250 00000 n We may support shareholder proposals requesting that implementation of such arrangements require shareholder approval. 0000000016 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % The following issue-specific proxy voting guidelines (the Guidelines) summarize BlackRock Investment Stewardships (BIS) philosophy and approach to engagement and voting, as well as our view of governance best practices and the roles and responsibilities of boards and directors for publicly listed U.S. companies. Examples of social issues include, but are not limited to, human capital management, impacts on the communities in which a company operates, customer loyalty, and relationships with regulators. &/%C`6c l`T8N! Therefore, we will generally support the reduction or the elimination of supermajority voting requirements to the extent that we determine shareholders ability to protect their economic interests is improved. Proxy Voting Guidelines: TRPA. Nonetheless, we may support the proposal where the company: Increase in authorized common shares BIS will evaluate requests to increase authorized shares on a case-by-case basis, in conjunction with industry-specific norms and potential dilution, as well as a companys history with respect to the use of its common shares. WebPlease submit your proxy card or voting instruction form as soon as possible. The administration of these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures is overseen by the MFS Proxy Voting Committee, which There may be legitimate instances where underwater options create an overhang on a companys capital structure and a repricing or option exchange may be warranted. MFS Proxy Voting Committee. That diversity can enable companies to develop businesses that more closely reflect and resonate with the customers and communities they serve. These clauses also tend to specify that an all-cash bid for all shares that includes a fairness opinion and evidence of financing does not trigger the pill, but forces either a special meeting at which the offer is put to a shareholder vote or requires the board to seek the written consent of shareholders, where shareholders could rescind the pill at their discretion. Corporate form shareholder proposals are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Academic and other research reveals correlations between specific dimensions of diversity and effects on decision-making processes and outcomes. Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis, the leading proxy advisors in the United States, have announced updates and clarifications for their voting guidelines for the 2022 proxy season. To this end, performance reviews and skills assessments should be conducted by the nominating/governance committee or the Lead Independent Director. Our publicly available commentary provides more information on our approach to board diversity. We see it as a means to promoting diversity of thought and avoiding group think in the boards exercise of its responsibilities to advise and oversee management. This structure should be aligned with shareholder interests, particularly the generation of sustainable, long-term value. While BlackRock is supportive of the shareholder rights to act by written consent and call a special meeting, BlackRock is subject to certain regulations and laws that place restrictions and limitations on how BlackRock can interact with the companies in which we invest on behalf of our clients, including our ability to participate in consent solicitations. Where several measures are grouped into one proposal, BIS may reject certain positive changes when linked with proposals that generally contradict or impede the rights and economic interests of shareholders. Streamline your next board meeting by collating and collaborating on agendas, documents, and minutes securely in one place. In this context, we encourage companies to include in their disclosures a business plan for how they intend to deliver long-term financial performance through a transition to global net zero carbon emissions, consistent with their business model and sector. We may vote against the audit committee members where the board has failed to facilitate quality, independent auditing. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Integration. 0000004042 00000 n Our publicly available commentary provides more information on our approach to corporate political activities. 2036 41 We typically defer to the board in setting the appropriate size and believe that directors are generally in the best position to assess the optimal board size to ensure effectiveness. Our view of independence may vary from listing standards. It is our view that climate change has become a key factor in many companies long-term prospects. We encourage boards to disclose their approach to evaluations, including objectives of the evaluation; if an external party conducts the evaluation; the frequency of the evaluations; and, whether that evaluation occurs on an individual director basis. However, in these instances, boards should periodically review the rationale for a classified structure and consider when annual elections might be more appropriate. These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the BlackRock Investment Stewardship Global Principles. 2023 Dodge & Cox. BIS may take voting action against directors (up to and including the full board) where those actions are viewed as egregiously infringing on shareholder rights. 2. Webthe extent there are any conflicts between these guidelines and the contract language, the contract language will control. proper books and records relating to proxy voting are kept. While we believe special awards[11] should be used sparingly, we acknowledge that there may be instances when such awards are appropriate. Our evaluation of equity compensation plans is based on a companys executive pay and performance relative to peers and whether the plan plays a significant role in a pay-for-performance disconnect. As stewards of our clients investments, BlackRock believes it has a responsibility to engage with management teams and/or board members on material business issues and, for those clients who have given us authority, to vote proxies in the best long-term economic interests of their assets. Succession planning should cover scenarios over both the long-term, consistent with the strategic direction of the company and identified leadership needs over time, as well as the short-term, in the event of an unanticipated executive departure. Where a standardized proxy access provision exists, we will generally oppose shareholder proposals requesting outlier thresholds. We encourage companies to provide transparency around risk management, mitigation, and reporting to the board. Mizoram faces the second wave of covid-19 with the bravery of local heroes, ZMC Medical Students Drowned In Tuirivang, Nursing Student Volunteers Herself to Work at ZMC, Perpetrator responsible for tank lorry fire arrested, Mizoram Olympic Association delegates set off for NorthEast Olympic Games 2022, Thingsulthliah PHC Staff Nurse receives Florence Nightingale Award. Scope The guiding principle of this Policy is that voting rights should be exercised and Compensation structures should generally drive outcomes that align the pay of the executives with performance of the company and the value received by shareholders. If you have received an invitation, you must first create a login by following the link provided in the email sent to you. WebInvesting involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Many companies have an opportunity to use and contribute to the development of low carbon energy sources and technologies that will be essential to decarbonizing the global economy over time. At the board level, appropriate governance structures and responsibilities allow for effective oversight of the strategic implementation of material sustainability issues. Our publicly available commentary provides more information on our approach. We also ask boards to conduct a regular review of corporate governance and control structures, such that boards might evolve foundational corporate governance structures as company circumstances change, without undue costs and disruption to shareholders. If you have not received an invitation, and think you should have, please contact your Renaissance representative. We encourage the company to explain their executive succession planning process, including where accountability lies within the boardroom for this task, without prematurely divulging sensitive information commonly associated with this exercise. 0000012363 00000 n Dodge & Cox investment leadership & Committee updates. BIS may support shareholder proposals requesting to put extraordinary benefits contained in supplemental executive retirement plans (SERP) to a shareholder vote unless the companys executive pension plans do not contain excessive benefits beyond what is offered under employee-wide plans. SASB standards will over time be adapted to ISSB standards but are the reference reporting tool in the meantime. These guidelines are also intended to inform all investors on how to vote in an ESG-aligned way. This site is for persons in the United States only. We encourage companies to structure their change of control provisions to require the termination of the covered employee before acceleration or special payments are triggered (commonly referred to as double trigger change of control provisions). A companys board of directors should put in place a compensation structure that balances incentivizing, rewarding, and retaining executives appropriately across a wide range of business outcomes. Shareholders should have a meaningful opportunity to participate in the meeting and interact with the board and management in these virtual settings; companies should facilitate open dialogue and allow shareholders to voice concerns and provide feedback without undue censorship. 0000012767 00000 n An EGC should have an independent audit committee by the first anniversary of its IPO, with our standard approach to voting on auditors and audit-related issues applicable in full for an EGC on the first anniversary of its IPO. It is the responsibility of the Committee to evaluate and maintain proxy voting 1 Proxy Voting by Investment Advisers, Release No. As used in these policies and procedures the term clients/beneficiaries means any Continue to $country-name$ Individual Investor site. (go back), 3A BDC is a special investment vehicle under the Investment Company Act of 1940 that is designed to facilitate capital formation for small and middle-market companies(go back), 4CTo this end, we do not view shareholder proposals asking for the separation of Chair and CEO to be a proxy for other concerns we may have at the company for which a vote against directors would be more appropriate. Business model, strategy, location, and company size may also impact our analysis of board diversity. 0000013449 00000 n It is our view that shareholders should have the opportunity to express feedback on annual incentive programs and changes to long-term compensation before multiple cycles are issued. Companies with multiple share classes should receive shareholder approval of their capital structure on a periodic basis via a management proposal on the companys proxy. WebCanada Proxy Voting Guidelines for TSX-listed Companies; Canada Proxy Voting Guidelines for Venture Companies; Canada Advance Notice Requirements FAQ; As stated above, a majority vote standard is generally in the best long-term interests of shareholders, as it ensures director accountability through the requirement to be elected by more than half of the votes cast. [17] Many companies are asking what their role should be in contributing to an orderly and equitable transitionin ensuring a reliable energy supply and energy security and in protecting the most vulnerable from energy price shocks and economic dislocation. For this reason, BIS sees engagement with and the election of directors as one of our most critical responsibilities. Webguidelines are based on a commitment to create and preserve economic value and to advance principles of good corporate governance. Compensation committees should guard against contractual arrangements that would entitle executives to material compensation for early termination of their contract. Independent directors should have access to relevant management information and outside advice, as appropriate, to ensure they can properly oversee risk. Where we believe a companys disclosures or practices fall short relative to the market or peers, or we are unable to ascertain the board and managements effectiveness in overseeing related risks and opportunities, we may vote against members of the appropriate committee or support relevant shareholder proposals. We generally support management proposals to convert to a PBC if our analysis indicates that shareholders interests are adequately protected. This may not apply in cases where BIS did not support the initial vote against such board member(s), The Independent Chair or Lead Independent Director and/or members of the nominating/governance committee, where a board fails to consider shareholder proposals that (1) receive substantial support, and (2) in our view, have a material impact on the business, shareholder rights, or the potential for long-term value creation, Appears to have a legitimate financing motive for requesting blank check authority, Has committed publicly that blank check preferred shares will not be used for anti-takeover purposes, Has a history of using blank check preferred stock for financings, Has blank check preferred stock previously outstanding such that an increase would not necessarily provide further anti-takeover protection but may provide greater financing flexibility, The degree to which the proposed transaction represents a premium to the companys trading price. We will evaluate the actions that the company has taken to limit shareholders ability to exercise the right to nominate dissident director candidates, including those actions taken absent the immediate threat of a contested situation. We are particularly interested in understanding how risk oversight processes evolve in response to changes in corporate strategy and/or shifts in the business and related risk environment. Payouts to executives should reflect both the executives contributions to the companys ongoing success, as well as exogenous factors that impacted shareholder value. As part of this consideration, we encourage companies to produce sustainability-related disclosures sufficiently in advance of their annual meeting so that the disclosures can be considered in relevant vote decisions. Where discretion has been used by the compensation committee, we look for disclosures relating to how and why the discretion was used and how the adjusted outcome is aligned with the interests of shareholders. 0000002290 00000 n (go back), 17https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/whitepaper/bii-managing-the-net-zero-transition-february-2022.pdf(go back), 18While guidance is still under development for a unified disclosure framework related to natural capital, the emerging recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), may prove useful to some companies. It is our view that a majority of the directors on the board should be independent to ensure objectivity in the decision-making of the board and its ability to oversee management. Where a director serves on an excessive number of boards, which may limit their capacity to focus on each boards needs, we may vote against that individual. 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