Not sure what exactly I could do to try make amends, apologize and prove to her as she the girl I only want and I was dumb making a dumb choice in my part. Of course we got back together but he left me another 2 times after. I get so frustrated when he cries and says he needs to feel love from me because I understand that he means it, but I kind of feel like well, you had that already and it didnt bloody do you any good. Also the American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy ( has information. And then when I realised about the drinking, and started watching for the drinking and realising it was happening EVERY day, and we had conversations about how I dont care if he drinks, but please please dont hide it from me because I cant bear the deception, but it continued anyway well, after two years of this, the final straw for me came 8 weeks ago when he drove drunk. But this, i couldnt. i just said all the bad words coz i felt negelected and i wanted him to know how i feel but eneded up abusing him. Perhaps she isnt really confused but is afraid to admit to herself the real reason. Was he afraid to show how committed he was to you? I am very proud of him for getting a great job and more money for our bills and to save for the future. How do I know which decision is the one my heart is telling me to go towards, what is the best way to figure out if this relationship is going to be OK? She said she was going to give me a chance to which I jumped at thee opportunity. I am living in a vacuum and dont know what to do. I dont know how many men can actually admit that. Parents dont do this because they are mean (although some may be mean) but because of their own poor upbringing. I worry that its too little too late. Feelings count! always remember, for those out there who are in relationships that are struggling, or are working things out, make sure before you say something, you think before you speak, install a filter between your lips and your tongue so to speak, because if you choose to say something hurtful, you can never take it back and the damage caused by what you assume is just a simple word is far more destructive and painful long term. How does one fall in love again? That was the last straw for him. Letting them get away with it isnt showing them love, its only hurting them. The lie itself is the tip of the iceberg. To fall back in love, you have to start giving. In my search for answers/help I found your blog. It should had never happened and I did not tell her about it because I was too scared to loose her and I was scared I was gonna hurt and betray our trust. He told her he missed the good times. I am very impressed with your self-awareness, namely, realizing that you would blow up for minor reasons and that your frantic attempts to hold the relationship together came across as needy. Talking doesnt help. Hes hurt me so bad and he wont even talk to me or answer questions that I have. I never felt so much respect and care from a male in my life. we were so happy, no coldness at all, though he keeps on posting confusing statuses on fb like, here i am waiting i have to leave soon, and if you risk nothing you will risk everything and so on. So she went back home I tried to communicate with her and work through problems. I would appreciate any advise. But I honestly feel that is a mixture of her defense towards me not changing and us falling into the same abusive relationship again, mixed with also the scars are so deep she may not see how she can ever look past them even though she says she has forgiven me. My heart and brain are on two different levels right now. Usually the one word hides deep and sometimes painful feelings and attitudes. Next morning I turn my phone off and leave town for the day. Underneath that, he probably doesnt feel safe. 4 years ago I took up skiing went every week at local dry slopes. We were friends for a long time beforehand but lived in different countries. She would come briefly to money and gone. When my wife told me, I was devestated but I knew I wanted to try and fix the relationship. I would go to the ends of the earth to make Brad see what hes doing to him self is wrong. This article focuses on two people who are genuinely in tune to each other. So I decided to talk with him about his new woman. Thanks! I tried to tell him how hurt I was but he felt if he showed me he loved me then I shouldnt worry about his crazy ex. She is the only woman I have ever wanted to grow old with, and she is telling me that she might not want that anymore. You also must stop putting yourself down. He has 3 kids from 3 different women and he sees none of them. Can counseling help this situation or am I destined for a divorce? When you were in love with him, he was not in love with you. If the man raped you and you were screaming to make him let you go, then you have the possibility of a police involvement. Any suggestions? In general we are very loving to each other and have a good relationship. She almost diedfor 2 mos in the NICU. I am in love with him.and relationships arent perfect but i know i messed up with handling my anger wrong. He is impatient and rude with me, says hurtful things. We have two children with our third on the way. My experience with that problem is this: People who cheat when they really love someone else literally do not believe that life will be good to them. And he didnt know how it happened, but shed been calling him and something led to the other and he gave in to temptation. No one.. Which I agree with, but still feel its inappropriate for a married woman to be saying to another man. Also to be absolutely sure you have new coping skills so you will never slip back into abuse. You just want to keep hating the person who has hurt you. I wished in my heart I had kept them words to myself, he knew I liked him a lot. After the last relationship ended I stayed like that Not opening myself up to anyone.. Like I was living in protective mode and I planned to stay like that and not to open myself up to a chance to be hurt again. The first argument since March and its over. Hi Ann, You yourself cant figure out why you love him. I was asking and asking him to give our marriage a chance and Ill show him, but each time he said no he cant or no he doesnt want to try to save the marriage. It only happens once in a while, like when i hear a song that reminds me of her. I just dont know what to do. He decided to go abroad which I disapproved and he broke up with me for some months. During my pregnancy there were a thousand promises he would stop smoking pot. He suggest we should look for counseling, it that will help? Hi Kelly, Then a job opportunity came up that was 7 hours north of our home. reached a point that was the last straw and he was done. I have 2 kids under the age of 5 and he was not ready to be a stepfather, so i stop myself from liking him more than i should. She has her own issues in her past, like her parents divorcing when she was a young teen, and she is turning 40 this year. Honestly, when I said it I didnt think it would hurt him but it has been a problem ever since. So I guess I always expect the worst and questioned him ask him to delete all his social media sites and quit contact with them. Everything I did I really do deeply regret. Apologizing wont cut it because this insecurity and lying are something that is in you. 2. He gave a dry hi not even a kiss or hug. She is 33yrs old. My boyfriend and I have been together almost two years now, and weve gone through a lot (my parents disapprove of him and kept us apart.) There is the dawning awareness that your spouse is growing. 3. If the bad stuff was present and the good stuff was missing, then what I recommend you do is sit down with your husband and discuss it. i ask for meetup face to face , he avoided. I would ask him to come along to some of the events. Come to find out my husband has been in a relationship since June of this year with his co worker. We just argue so often though, that Im almost convincing myself that we arent right for each other when all I want is to be with him. What do I do? I would do anything to have him back I love him so much and with everything we have been through I cant imagine him calling it quits. My husband and I married very young, he was immature and after the birth of my son I was still over weight and exhausted and didnt take care of myself. You feel anger toward the person who hurt you as well as on yourself for letting them do this to you. I told him to maybe give it a year before we actually start dating again though I will be here for him to talk to but I suggested him to write me letters instead of calling me. Still, cheating is cheating. I was like I need to see the progress since I paid for repairs and fixing. Every word he says irritates me. Then tried to get back together few hours later. That was the worst 2 weeks of my life. My boyfriend of about a year and I both cheated on each other and lied I each other about it. We talk about getting married in the future and we both know that we want to be long time life partners. Before that, I had told her my ex contacted me and I was transparent about the details of our conversation. They love each other. My boyfriend hurts himself when we fight and he cant hurt or hit me so that he hurts himself. He was very worried about me and I understand that, but he was also worried that I would cheat on him. I was convinced he was cheating on me because he even had a picture of himself and the same girl as his wallpaper. Or find someone local to yourself who is intelligent and kind. or that you are together and he wont let you return to the States (if that is home). We have no children but know we want to fix our marriage. And would he put that ring on your finger? She wants to speak with somebody like a family counselor. No man should ever cheat on a woman and actually brag about it to her face. Let me draw a comparison: It reminds me of bulimia: You get to eat and then you throw it up. How do we both go about getting trust back? You have to take care of yourself, even if it means breaking your own heart. Hating someone you love doesn't always translate to another person. Maybe he is saying it w so much certainty because HE didnt change! So, my fianc recently cheated on me, hes in the army and Im back home until we get married, I however go to see him every other month. I can tell she has changed. She drives me crazy. I wish I could change the past but I cantI clearly didnt love him thenor if I did I loved myself moreI was a selfish child I know but what do I do now? I doubt that I shall ever learn to trust or respect this man again. Its okay. I have admitted my mistakes and apologize profusely. They might but not as much as i thought. Hello!! I apparently told him that I didnt trust him, and I dont feel like thats the case. Inge van der Post Recommends: 1. Talking with him doesnt help. And through out the summer I felt our communication was extremely poor and at times felt like he was ignoring me and didnt really care for me. At first it felt like a dream until he hurt me once more. I was disappointed and thought this was going to end up just like my previous 3 experiences. And he left and I never spoke to him until a couple of months ago on Facebook and when I spoke to him he seemed so angry all he kept saying was leave me alone dont talk to me, the day I left high school I never planned on talking to u again. Hi John But what do i do now? I hope you are ok, its so stressful! Thank you so much. The reason is that once the chemicals associated with that giddy first experience of love have warn off (which if nothing goes wrong in the relationship do wear off in 1-2 years), it will be back to life as usual and your husband is not prepared for it. he says i should find someone who appreciates me, he admits hes still very much sexually attracted to me and everything? He would flirt with other women in front of me and constantly made sexual comments about other women both to me and in front of me. We have been verbal abuse. This is not a real relationship; this is someone taking advantage of you. Nevertheless, if you can look at this situation objectively, you might be able to salvage it. I took up anger management that goes on for 8 weeks. To be honest with you, its too hard to do alone. I noticed he liked to talk about sex,a topic that doesnt interest me. He seems to be in selfish state of mind and thats okay, but dont call me friend or tell others that you still want to marry me and dont even act like it. Just expressing how badly you feel will not help you learn exactly what to do to get out of the bad place your feelings are in. Blocked her on Facebook. the arguments and quarrels between us got worse everyday. but he kept doing things that broke my heart. 11: Take her to the park for some fresh air He was on a flight when I found out so he couldnt answer the phone so I just text him Were done He called me as soon as he was off of the plane screaming at me telling how Im stupid because he thought i was mad about him not answering the phone while he was on his flight. If we dont take care of ourselves, why would we expect others to take care of us? I know that I have built up a forcefield around me out of fear and I have grown and realize that loving someone is a choice. And I wouldnt just tell I would insult and call her names no one should ever be called. Boy, God just does His thing, doesnt He? He was insanely jealous that Peter was going to remain there whilst we left. And the fact that he had to pry it out of me didnt help either. any words of encouragement or suggestions on my post from June 18? For sure though, do not start a new relationship when youre in an old one. I def didnt cheat its was just emotional hurt. Instead of fighting, you really needed to understand what was up with him. So those are 3 areas to work on in therapy. She left text message which i read hours later. she said she is still always there for me and cares about me but i think shes saying that to make me feel better. It hurt so much, but I understand seeing from her point of view, and know that she has had past experiences of men leaving her throughout her life, as her father left her when she was younger. We had huge HUGE communication problems & I felt like I had read the book 500 tines and he was still stuck on page 3. A few days prior to our meeting I emailed her a few things that were on my mind that I wanted her to think about and asked her to do the same. Mom and son- value other things over you during your relationship. All of the above mentioned can help to learn what your partner is expecting, your expectations, how to handle important issues, if you are compatible or if the marriage is not ideal. I choose to love myself and to aim for my own happiness. She recently went through my phone after she saw a text from one of my ex. That hurt way too much, i tried to contact her on messenger and sent sms, but she didnt reply to anything, in a moment of pain and hurt i wasnt thinking i was very hurt and i did something that may be unforgivable, i sent her husband a fb message, telling him that shes been lying to hem for years. They would still have sex but it wasnt meaningful to partner one the way it had been. If your career really is more important, youll only hurt her again. In 2013 I went to a funeral with him I got a chance to be introduced to his family member all went well. Im now 5 weeks from my due date and he recently said that because of how Ive been acting due to the pregnancy and because this isnt what he wanted at this point, hes falling out of love with me. First thing to do is to have a frank discussion with your real boyfriend about his mistreatment. She had a death in the family and i was working at night. Due to the meds, the sparse intimacy has now turned non existent. I had never experiences this before. When I Dont Answer The Phone He Thinks Im Lying And Doing Something Thats Unfaithful And I Know My Actions Are what caused This, But I Just Hope Im Not Losing Him And If He Still Loves Me The Same OR not. things were not perfect but the chemitry was there, we had fun and now he has gone back home. And neither of us is unhappy it just feels more like were roommates most days. Hello, Ive been with the same guy for 5 years weve been married for one. I spend everyday utterly bereft. That happens to be a bad idea but our society works that way. And she was a virgin. I and my boyfriend were in relationship from 4 years.. Dont go to a psychoanalytic type as that is a lifetime of therapy. How can I forgive someone who isnt there and supporting you when your having a hard time grieving? You can't just go back to life before you knew them. Despite this similarity, the two seem like polar opposites. I met my boyfriend about 11months ago on social media. Two weeks of miscommunication led to him pleading to take him back he told me that he wants me for the rest of his life and that he wants to marry me, something he had never told me. It was my value. You wont have to force it; it, too, will be a natural process. His previous relationship was caught in the middle of us falling for each other, and he ended it to be with me. I have shut people out but it takes a bloody lot more than that and at least has warning! Suddenly, her love turned to hate. He didnt seem to like that very much. I would say hes left me a total of 15 or more times within our 10 year relationship. How csn I win her trust back? It tore me apart! If so, THIS is the healing you must first work on. He clams I knew his money situation when he moved in which is correct but I told him I really need his help now that im off work, and he still has not stepped up. I realized I had the problem and now am with the most amazing man. You should go to AlAnon to learn more, too. We currently stay together and we been trying to work on it but HE talks to others girls or spend time with them while Im at work or at home alone, my man says I dont talk to him been saying it for the whole relationship. In the meantime.he is on swingers websites. 15: Let her choose the activity instead ( I asked about every detail) I dont know if its my mistake for wanting to know everything they did and how they did it but I see it in my head, constantly. 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Was Judas Jesus' Brother, Articles C